Sunday, 10 July 2011

Sea Kale

Today was a journey to Garron Point in search of a couple of rare plants. One, Rock Samphire is rare in County Antrim, the other, Sea Kale is just rare.

Rock Samphire

This is a rare plant in Co. Antrim, according to the Co Antrim Plant register there has only been 3 recent records, once at Kebble, Rathlin Island 1991and twice at Garron Point Harbour - 1903 & 2005. 
Rock Samphire Flower

Since 2005 Rock Samphire has been recorded at Garron Point Harbour every year. I recorded 2 plants at the harbour today.

Sea Kale
This plant is very rare in NI, never mind Co. Antrim.
There is only one record for Co. Antrim recorded in the register.
Church Bay, Rathlin Island – shingle above high
water mark; transplanted into garden and seen by
J. Templeton there

Sea Kale Flower
This single plant was recorded in 1794. Hence it was with surprise that a local botanist was given information in 2009 as to the location of Sea-Kale on the Co Antrim coast. The site had been known about for approx 20 years. Over 100 plants where located on that visit.

Today we recorded approx 8 plants, but we did not cover all the chalk shingle beaches. We have arrived a couple of weeks late and the plants had virtually finished flowering. To the right is a photo of the only flower found today.

Moth with Antlers

Moth trap left out on the 9th July. Another new species was recorded for the Garden, Antler Moth...

Antler Moth

Bright Line Brown-eye
Buff Tip
Dark Arches
Willow Beauty
Heart & Dart
Antler Moth
Ghost Moth
Double Square Spot
Riband Wave
Foxglove Pug
July High flyer
Common Quaker

Killard Point - 3rd July

Headed out to Killard point, rare for us to head south of Belfast. Main goal was  Frog Orchard and I was not to be disappointed.

Six Spot Burnet

On the way out to the reserve, Meadow Brown and Ringlets where obvious. At the entrance a Whitethroat was on guard, scolding us as we walked past. Once into the reserve you are assaulted with a massed array of colours, from the wildflowers and Orchids. Amongst them Six Spot Burnet's where busying themselves.

Common Blue

Other butterflies included a large number of Common Blues..

Getting to the Point, it did not take long to see Frog Orchid, once you got our eye in it was obvious just how abundant they are. We stopped counting after 400 individual plant!
Frog Orchid

Looks like a Frog?
 Other Orchids of note included Bee Orchid, past their best, Pyramidal Orchid and Common Twayblade.

Bee Orchid

Pyramidal Orchid

Common Twayblade
 The whole area is covered with flowering Kidney Vetch (no small blues!), Eyebright and Wild thyme.
Eyebright & Thyme
Kidney Vetch

 Surprisingly, some Wild Pansys are still in flower...

On returning to the car, I found a Hare in the field next to where I had parked. A great way to end.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

New Garden Moths

MV light trap setup last night, 1st July. The list is as follows,

Silver Y 1 
Dark Arches 2 
 Peppered Moth 1 
 Bright-line Brown-eye 2 
 Large Yellow Underwing 1 
 Heart & Dart 1 
 Garden Tiger 1 
 Mottled Beauty 1 
 Ingrailed Clay 1 
 Garden Carpet 1 
 Small Angle Shades 1 
 Spruce Carpet 1

There are two new moths for the garden list.

1: Garden Tiger

This was by far the best of the catch.
2: Spruce Carpet

Here are photos of some of the other....... 
Heart & Dart
Small Angle Shades

Garden Carpet