English name | Latin name | Flight period | Altitude (m) |
Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | V-IX | 1000-1800 |
Scarce swallowtail | Iphiclides podalirius | V-IX | 1000-2000 |
Apollo | Parnassius apollo | VI-VIII | 900-2000 |
Clouded Apollo | Parnassius mnemosyne | VI-VII | 900-1500 |
Black-veined white | Aporia crataegi | V-VI | 900-1400 |
Small white | Pieris rapae | IV-IX | 900-2000 |
Green-veined white | Pieris napi | IV-IX | 900-2000 |
Dappled white | Pontia dapplidice | IV-IX | 900-2600 |
Peak white | Pontia callidice | VI-VIII | 2000-2600 |
Orange-tip | Anthocharis cardamines | IV-VII | 900-1700 |
Moroccan orange-tip | Anthocharis euphenoides | IV-VIII | 900-1800 |
Clouded yellow | Colias crocea | IV-IX | 900-2800 |
Berger's clouded yellow | Colias alfacariensis | IV-IX | 900-1200 |
Mountain clouded yellow | Colias phicomone | VI-VII | 2000-2800 |
Cleopatra | Gonepteryx cleopatra | IV-VII | 900-1200 |
Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | IV-VII | 900-2000 |
Wood white | Leptidea sinapis | IV-IX | 900-1800 |
Purple hairstreak | Neozephyrus quercus | VI-VII | 900-1100 |
Green hairstreak | Callophrys rubi | IV-VI | 900-1800 |
Small copper | Lycaena phlaeas | IV-IX | 900-1600 |
Scarce copper | Lycaena virgaureae | VI-VII | 900-1900 |
Sooty copper | Lycaena tityrus | V-VIII | 900-1800 |
Purple-shot copper | Lycaena alciphron | VI-VII | 900-1800 |
Purple-edged copper | Lycaena hipppothoe | VI-VIII | 900-1600 |
Long-tailed blue | Lampides boeticus | V-IX | 900-1500 |
Lang's shot-tailed blue | Leptotes pirithous | IX-X | 900-1000 |
Short-tailed blue | Everes argiades | V-VIII | 900-1400 |
Provence short-tailed blue | Evers alcetas | V-VIII | 900-1400 |
Small blue | Cupido minimus | V-VIII | 900-1800 |
Osiris blue | Cupido osiris | V-VIII | 900-1300 |
Holly blue | Celastrina argiolus | IV-IX | 900-1600 |
Green-underside blue | Glaucopsyche alexis | V-VI | 900-1100 |
Black-eyed blue | Galucopsyche melanops | IV-V | 900-1400 |
Large blue | Maculinea arion | VI-VII | 900-1400 |
Mountain alcon blue | Maculinea alcon subsp. rebeli | VI-VII | 900-1400 |
Silver-studded blue | Plebeius argus | V-VII | 900-2000 |
Idas blue | Plebeius idas | VI-VII | 1400-2200 |
Geranium argus | Aricia eumedon | VI-VII | 1400-1800 |
Brown argus | Aricia agestis | V-VIII | 900-2300 |
Glandon blue | Agriades glandon | VI-VII | 2000-2800 |
Mazarine blue | Polyommatus semiargus | V-VIII | 900-1600 |
Turquoise blue | Polyommatus dorylas | V-VII | 900-1800 |
Escher's blue | Polyommatus escheri | V-VIII | 900-1300 |
Amanda blue | Polyommatus amanda | V-VII | 900-1500 |
Chapman's blue | Polyommatus thersites | V-IX | 900-1600 |
Chalkhill blue | Polyommatus coridon | VII-IX | 900-1800 |
Adonis blue | Polyommatus bellargus | V-IX | 900-1800 |
Common blue | Polyommatus icarus | IV-X | 900-2200 |
Eros blue | Polyommatus eros | VI-VI | 2000-2800 |
Duke of Burgundy fritillary | Hamearis lucina | V-VI | 900-1600 |
Southern white admiral | Limenitis reducta | V-VIII | 900-1100 |
White admiral | Limenitis camilla | VI-VIII | 900-1500 |
Large tortoiseshell | Nymphalis polychloros | IV-VII | 900-1600 |
Peacock | Inachis io | IV-VIII | 900-2200 |
Red admiral | Vanessa atalanta | IV-X | 900-2200 |
Painted lady | Cynthia cardui | IV-X | 900-2200 |
Small tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | IV-X | 900-2900 |
Comma | Polygonia c-album | IV-VII | 900-1500 |
Map butterfly | Araschnia levana | IV-IX | 900-1400 |
Silver-washed fritillary | Argynnis paphia | VI-VIII | 900-1700 |
High brown fritillary | Argynnis adippe | VI-VII | 900-1800 |
Dark green fritillary | Argynnis aglaja | VI-VIII | 900-1500 |
Niobe fritillary | Argynnis niobe | VI-VII | 900-2000 |
Queen of Spain fritillary | Issoria lathonia | IV-X | 900-2000 |
Marbled fritillary | Brenhtis daphne | VI-VII | 900-1500 |
Lesser marbled fritillary | Brenthis ino | VI-VII | 900-1600 |
Shepherd's fritillary | Boloria pales | VI-VII | 1600-2500 |
Mountain fritillary | Boloria napaea | VI-VII | 2000-2600 |
Pearl-bordered fritillary | Clossiana euphrosyne | V-VII | 900-2300 |
Small pearl-bordered fritillary | Clossiana selene | VI-VII | 900-2200 |
Violet fritillary | Clossiana dia | IV-X | 900-1400 |
Glanville fritillary | Melitaea cinxia | V-VIII | 900-1400 |
Knapweed fritillary | Melitaea phoebe | V-VIII | 900-1400 |
Spotted fritillary | Melitaea didyma | V-VII | 900-1700 |
Lesser spotted fritillary | Melitaea trivia | VI-VII | 1200-1500 |
False heath fritillary | Melitaea diamina | V-VIII | 1200-2000 |
Heath fritillary | Mellicta athalia | VI-VII | 900-2000 |
Provençal fritillary | Mellicata deione | V-VIII | 900-1300 |
Meadow fritillary | Mellicta parthenoides | V-VII | 900-1800 |
Marsh fritillary | Eurodryas aurinia | V-VIII | 900-2600 |
Iberian marbled white | Melanargia lachesis | VI-VIII | 900-1600 |
Mountain ringlet | Erebia epiphron | VI-VII | 1600-2400 |
de Prunner's ringlet | Erebia triaria | V-VII | 900-2400 |
Silky ringlet | Erebia gorge | VI-VII | 2200-2600 |
Spanish brassy ringlet | Erebia hispana | VI-VIII | 2000-2500 |
Lefèbvre's ringlet | Erebia lefebvrei | VII-VIII | 2200-2700 |
Autumn ringlet | Erebia neoridas | VII-VIII | 900-2000 |
Dewy ringlet | Erebia pandrose | VII-VIII | 2000-2500 |
Piedmont ringlet | Erebia meolans | V-VII | 900-2400 |
Meadow brown | Maniola jurtina | VI-VIII | 900-1500 |
The ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | VI-VII | 900-1600 |
The gatekeeper | Pyronia tithonus | VI-VIII | 900-1600 |
Small heath | Coenonympha pamphilus | IV-VIII | 900-2400 |
Pearly heath | Coenonympha arcania | V-VIII | 900-1400 |
Chestnut heath | Coenonympha glycerion | VI-VII | 900-1600 |
Speckled wood | Parage aegeria | IV-X | 900-1900 |
Wall brown | Lasiommata megera | IV-X | 900-1700 |
Large wall brown | Lasiommata maera | V-VIII | 900-2200 |
Grizzled skipper | Pyrgus mavoides | IV-X | 900-2100 |
Large grizzled skipper | Pyrgus alveus | V-VII | 900-2300 |
Red underwing skipper | Spialia sertorius | V-VIII | 900-1800 |
Mallow skipper | Carcharodus alceae | V-VIII | 900-1500 |
Marbled skipper | Carcharodus lavatherae | VI-VII | 900-1800 |
Dingy skipper | Erynnis tages | V-VIII | 900-1500 |
Common skipper | Thymelicus sylvestris | VI-VIII | 900-1800 |
Lulworth skipper | Thymelicus acteon | VI-VIII | 900-1400 |
Silver-spotted skipper | Hesperia comma | VI-VII | 900-2400 |
Large skipper | Ochlodes venata | V-VIII | 900-1300 |
Nuria Butterflies
The following list is taken from Walk Catalonia the website - go have a look.....
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